131 Bealey Ave, Christchurch, 8013
PO Box 21096, Edgeware, Christchurch 8143
Mr Matthew Leeman
MB ChB 2003 Aberd; FRCS (Gen Surg) 2012; CCT (UK) (Gen Surg) 2014
Practising at
Southern Cross Christchurch HospitalSpecialty
General SurgeryFull NZ Registration Date
15 August 2013Private Services
Christchurch Colorectal Group
21 Caledonian Road
St Albans
(03) 968 3140
Christchurch Bariatric, Upper GI & General Surgeons (CBUGGS)
21 Caledonian Road
St Albans
(03) 968 3140
Professional Profile
Matthew Leeman is a highly experienced Consultant General Surgeon with subspecialist interest in Upper GI and Bariatric surgery. He trained in Edinburgh and London and alongside his leadership and teaching roles he brings precision and care to his clinical commitments.