Hospital procedures are impacted by Covid-19. Find out more here.

Hospital procedures are impacted by Covid-19. Find out more here.

Cancer Care

Cancer Care

Cancer Care

Every year approximately 26,000* New Zealanders are diagnosed with cancer. With our aging and growing population, it is estimated that the number of New Zealanders receiving a cancer diagnosis will reach 52,500 by 2040**. Cancer effects everyone in different ways and Southern Cross Healthcare offers care across diagnosis, treatment and recovery.

The nationwide network of Southern Cross Healthcare providers cover screening and treatment to rehabilitation and survivorship; supporting people with cancer in the following ways:

  • Our joint venture partnerships with Waitemata Endoscopy (Auckland), Southern Cross Specialist Centre (Wellington), The Rutherford Clinic (Wellington) and Southern Endoscopy (Christchurch) specialise in gastrointestinal cancer screening and diagnostics.
  • Surgery is often needed as part of the treatment and management of cancer. Our hospitals located around New Zealand are here to provide the very best care during this time.
  • Rehabilitation to maintain function and independence can play a crucial role in wellbeing and recovery and our partners, Active+ and TBI Health, offer extensive services to support people to get back to doing what they need and want to do.
  • Raise, a Southern Cross Healthcare subsidiary, delivers mental health and wellbeing support and counselling nationwide.

* The State of Cancer in New Zealand 2020
** Government Cancer Action Plan 2019

Cancer screening and diagnostics

Screening and diagnostics for gastrointestinal cancers (including esophageal, stomach, colorectal, pancreatic and liver cancers) are available through the following joint venture partners of Southern Cross Healthcare.


Waitemata Endoscopy >


Southern Cross Specialist Centre >

The Rutherford Clinic >


Southern Endoscopy Centre >

Cancer Treatment

Our clinical partners and care teams are leaders in their fields and have undertaken extensive specialty training to ensure our patients are delivered the highest standard of care and experience.

Radiation oncology

Radiation oncology is offered by the following Southern Cross Healthcare joint venture partnerships in Auckland:

Auckland Radiation Oncology >

Intra Image Guided Healthcare >

Medical oncology and surgery­

We work with leading medical practitioners specialising in a variety of cancers including colorectal, breast, head and neck, prostate, bone and gynaecological.

Find a Southern Cross hospital >


Prehab services can optimise health and wellbeing before cancer surgery or treatment commences. In prehab, the physiotherapist and individual work together to co-develop a personalised care plan which helps maximise treatment resilience. Prehab services are available through Active+ and TBI Health:

Active+ >

TBI Health >

and support

We recognise that it takes more than medical treatment to support a person going through cancer. For most people, cancer doesn’t end on the last day of treatment and life after cancer and treatment can present its own challenges. Southern Cross Healthcare have a dedicated team of rehabilitation professionals that provide personalised care to people impacted by any type of cancer.

Find out more how our network can support the physical and emotional cancer journey.

Restoring body movement and conditioning

Programmes that restore body conditioning and movement, following cancer surgery and treatment, are individualised for clients based on their lifestyle and needs. These programmes are designed to help people through every stage of their treatment and recovery and can include any of the following:

  • Cancer wellness programmes
  • Dietitians
  • Exercise rehabilitation
  • Oncology physiotherapy

Contact TBI Health or Active+ to discuss any of these treatments.

Active+ >

TBI Health >

How oncology physiotherapy can make a difference

Oncology physiotherapy can be used to reduce the side effects and limitations brought about by cancer and associated treatments. Physiotherapy programmes are based on individual needs and objectives and can reduce side-effects as well as restore health, wellbeing and physical capability. All our oncology physiotherapists are qualified by PINC & STEEL and motivated to support cancer patients throughout their entire recovery.

Find an oncology physiotherapist within our network>

Georgina acknowledges the assistance of her Oncology Physiotherapist in her recovery from breast cancer and in successfully resuming her demanding career.
After cancer, Kim turned to oncology physiotherapy to regain mobility, enabling him to resume driving and restore his former quality of life.
Hadleigh emphasises how oncology physiotherapy played a pivotal role in his ability to return to work and provide for his family.

Pain and fatigue management

Pain, discomfort and fatigue are common symptoms for anyone with cancer. This can be overwhelming and reduce quality of life. We can help you manage this through education and plans that can quickly be put in place. Pain and fatigue management can be offered through the following Southern Cross Healthcare partners:

Active+ >

TBI Health >

Return to work support
Return to work support

Return to work support

Occupational therapists promote participation, independence and well-being in an individual’s working life. By liasing with your employer, and understanding your role, occupational therapists use a variety of techniques and tools to integrate you back into employment. Return to work support is offered through the following Southern Cross Healthcare partners:

Active+ >

TBI Health >

Coping and stress

Counselling can help you, and your loved ones, find ways to cope with fear, anxiety and possible depression that can arise at any time along the cancer journey. Counselling can help understand feelings, relationships, reactions, and it provides a safe place to talk. Counselling is offered nationwide by Raise, a Southern Cross Healthcare subsidiary.

Contact Raise to arrange counselling >