21 Puutikitiki St, Hamilton 3216

PO Box 4173, Hamilton East, Hamilton 3247

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07 959 5700



Mark Watson

Mr Richard Willoughby

MB ChB 1998 Auckland; FRACS (Orth) 2007

Practising at

Southern Cross Hamilton Hospital


Orthopaedic Surgery

Full NZ Registration Date

02 December 1998

Private Services

Waikato Orthopaedics

Physical address:5 Horne St

(07) 929 4670

(07) 929 4671

Healthlink EDI: waiortho

Special Clinical Interest(s)

* Hip and knee arthroplasty

* Revision hip arthroplasty

* Hip and knee arthroscopy

* Paediatrics

* Lower limb trauma.

Professional Profile

Richard was born and raised in Auckland, but after being posted to Hamilton whilst on the orthopaedic training scheme there was no going back!

He is married with four children.

Richard divides his time between Waikato hospital and Waikato Orthopaedics.

This specialist profile information has been provided by https://www.healthpoint.co.nz, helping people better understand and use New Zealand health services.

Email Southern Cross Hamilton Hospital