21 Puutikitiki St, Hamilton 3216

PO Box 4173, Hamilton East, Hamilton 3247

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07 959 5700



Mark Watson

Mr Stephen McChesney

MB ChB 1999 Auckland; FRACS (Orth) 2007

Practising at

Southern Cross Hamilton Hospital


Orthopaedic Surgery

Full NZ Registration Date

31 January 2000

Private Services

Mr Steve McChesney - Orthopaedic Surgeon

Physical address:20 Hammond Street

07 834 9159

07 834 1283

Healthlink EDI: hamortho

Special Clinical Interest(s)

  • Hip and Knee Joint Replacement Surgery
  • Knee Surgery
  • Lower Limb Sports Injuries
  • Deformity Correction
  • Orthopaedic Trauma

Professional Profile

Steve first moved to the Waikato in 1997 to complete his University of Auckland undergraduate medical training as a Trainee Intern at Waikato Hospital. He began his working life as a House Surgeon at Waikato Hospital in 1998 and after doing the bulk of his training at Waikato with other years in Auckland, Whangarei, and Christchurch he completed his general orthopaedic training through the New Zealand Orthopaedic Association training scheme in 2007.

Steve returned to a full time position at Waikato DHB in mid 2010 after completing subspecialty fellowship training in sports and knee surgery in Auckland (Adidas Sports Medicine Clinic) and Brisbane (Brisbane Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Clinic), limb reconstruction (including deformity correction) surgery in Liverpool (UK), and orthopaedic trauma surgery in Calgary (Canada).

This specialist profile information has been provided by https://www.healthpoint.co.nz, helping people better understand and use New Zealand health services.

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