Southern Cross Round the Bays 2024 events

Tino pai to our 600 strong Southern Cross rōpū who braved the conditions and gave it a go at Southern Cross Round the Bays Auckland event on Sunday 3 March 2024.

Our wave of blue was joined by 27,000 other people running, walking and rolling along Tāmaki Drive. This was a huge increase from 20,000 participants last year.

Round the Bays Wellington took in February 2024 and saw 10,200 particpants move towards a healthier future, including 60 in the Southern Cross team.

Sir Ashley Bloomfield also completed the Southern Cross Round the Bays Wellington in his role as Pause Breathe Smile mind health ambassador. He also publicly supported Nuku Ora’s Run and Become programme which removes access barriers for young people to take part by providing free entry and transport to the event. Southern Cross Healthcare is proud to be the principal sponsor of both Pause Breathe Smile and Run and Become.

We’re proud to support this iconic community event and encourage people to focus on their health and wellbeing.

Congratulations to all who participated - not just in crossing the finish line, but the journey getting yourself to the start line. You lapped everyone on the couch!

We look forward to seeing you all again next year.