Unlock the secrets of your health: Why a Health Check could be life-saving

Many people live with underlying health concerns that can impact significantly on health and wellbeing if not identified. That’s where Health Checks, from Southern Cross Workplace Health, come into play. Conducted by Registered Nurses, these checks evaluate key health indicators and provide personalised advice to understand individual health, and in some case save lives.
Registered Nurse, Catherine, can attest that life threatening conditions can be identified through Health Checks. Recently, a man in his 40s was identified as having dangerously high blood pressure through his Health Check. With no symptoms or dizziness, his cardiologist said the first symptoms he was likely to experience, without the Health Check, was a heart attack or stroke. Luckily, in this case, his high blood pressure prompted intervention. The client’s condition was confirmed by his GP, and a cardiologist was quickly on-hand. In an angiogram, major blockages were identified which led to stents being inserted that immediately, and significantly, reduced risk.
Our Health Checks look at blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterols, metabolic factors, diabetes, mental health, and lifestyle to reduce the risk of diabetes, heart attacks and strokes. Personalised health advice is provided in clear language, and any measurement outside normal parameters are communicated along with advice if further medical investigation is recommended.
Registered Nurse, Catherine is aware of the profound impact preventative healthcare has across a wide range of ages. As well as working part-time, as part of the team delivering Health Checks, Catherine is also a dedicated Plunket Nurse. Caring for people across a range of ages is something that brings satisfaction to Catherine.
Prevention is often regarded as the best medicine, so what’s Catherine’s advice for maintaining health? Make it your health care enjoyable! It’s a philosophy that Catherine embodies through her choices of exercise – participating in a women’s hiking group and dance classes. Catherine is also conscious about protecting her mental health, and she does this through volunteering where she designs costumes for a local theatre group. And of course, she reminds us, don’t forget to have an annual health check.
Health Checks are delivered by Registered Nurses and provided by Southern Cross Wellness Partners (formerly MedPro).
Learn more about Southern Cross Workplace Health services