90 Hanson Street, Newtown, Wellington 6021

Car parking

Due to ongoing building work, our patient and visitor car parking has changed. Details can be found on this map. We have dedicated free parking at Bowlarama and The National Dance and Drama School. These car parks are clearly marked for use by Southern Cross.
Consulting at the Southern Cross Wellington Specialist Centre
Southern Cross Wellington Specialist Centre, based on our Wellington Hospital site, provides credentialled practitioners and their patients with access to a purpose-built consulting centre and day procedure facilities.
We offer consultations relating to orthopaedics, vascular, neurophysiology, pain management, urology, nephrology, gynaecology, endocrinology, general surgery, and gastroenterology. We also offer a range of clinical services including castings and infusions, as well as day procedures for urology, gynaecology, and general surgery.
These services are available to adults, children, and infants. To access these services, patients need to be referred by a medical professional such as a General Practitioner or a physiotherapist.
Conveniently co-located with our specialist centre are Pacific Radiology and TBI Health, who support our orthopaedic clinics and patients.
To contact the Southern Cross Wellington Specialist Centre team and associated specialists and physicians, you can reach us at:
Address: 90 Hanson Street, Newtown, Wellington
Telephone: (04) 910 2178
Email: wgtn.specialists@southerncrosshospitals.co.nz
Healthlink EDI: wgtnmspc
Credentialled practitioners consulting at Southern Cross Wellington Specialist Centre
These practitioners currently consult (and may also operate) at our facilities in Wellington. For more information, please call (04) 910 2178 in the first instance to contact the Southern Cross Wellington Specialist Centre team.
Gastroenterology, endoscopy, general & colorectal surgery
Telephone: 04 910 2178 Healthlink EDI: wgtnmspc
Orthopaedic Surgery
Telephone: 04 910 2181 Healthlink EDI: wgtnmspc Email: ortho.wellington@schl.co.nz
Vascular Services
Telephone: 04 894 2803 Healthlink EDI: wgtnmspc
Telephone: 04 910 2178 Healthlink EDI: wgtnmspc
Telephone: 04 910 2178 Healthlink EDI: wgtnmspc
Pain Management
Contact for appointment - Telephone: 04 910 2178
Telephone: 04 910 2178 Healthlink EDI: wgtnmspc