58 Otonga Rd, Springfield, Rotorua 3015

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Stephanie Thomson

Dr Blaithin Page

MB ChB 1996 Glasgow; CCT (UK) (Gen Surg) 2009; FRCS (Gen surg) Glasg 2009

Practising at

Southern Cross Rotorua Hospital


General Surgery

Full NZ Registration Date

19 February 2018

Private Services

Dr Blaithin Page - General Surgeon

Physical address:Kuirau Surgical Centre
1239 Ranolf Street

(07) 348 8049

(07) 348 8048

Healthlink EDI: kuirauss

Special Clinical Interest(s)

My current research interests include cultural and societal influences on the doctor patient relationship and management of the older frail surgical patient.

I have contributed to the successful implementation of a One Stop Clinic/Prehabilitation and Enhanced Recovery Programs for patients requiring GI resections at Lakes.

Professional Profile

I graduated from Glasgow University in 1996 with a MB. ChB, and a B.Sc. (Honours) in gross anatomy. My postgraduate training was under the West of Scotland Higher Surgical Training scheme culminating in CCT in 2009. In the same year I successfully completed an MD thesis on the topic of chronic pain and inguinal hernia repair. I spent a year as a post CCT fellow in New Zealand in 2010.

For the next five years I worked as a consultant surgeon in two large public teaching hospitals in contrasting health care systems, Scotland and Singapore. I have been employed at Lakes DHB since 2016.

I have published regularly throughout my career.

This specialist profile information has been provided by https://www.healthpoint.co.nz, helping people better understand and use New Zealand health services.

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