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New Zealand's largest network of private surgical hospitals HospitalsSpecialists

Hospital procedures are impacted by Covid-19. Find out more here.
Hospital procedures are impacted by Covid-19. Find out more here.
Provision of anaesthetics and pain management to patients.
Procedures involving metabolic and weight loss surgery
The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and abnormalities of the heart and vascular system.
Surgery of structures within the chest (heart, lungs, trachea, oesophagus, diaphragm, chest wall).
Disorders of the skin, fat, hair, nails and oral and genital membranes.
Diagnosis and treatment of patients using imaging techniques.
Non surgical internal investigation using scopes where tissue samples may be collected
Non surgical internal investigation using scopes where tissue samples may be collected
Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and liver / examination of the inside lining of the digestive tract using a fiberoptic tube.
Surgery for a wide range of conditions.
Disorders of the female reproductive system.
Complex medical disorders in adult patients.
A branch of cardiology that uses intravascular catheter-based techniques in the treatment of patients with cardiovascular disease.
Using medical imaging technology to diagnose and treat injury and disease
Treatment of cancer using chemotherapy or other medications.
Surgery of the nervous system (skull, brain, meninges, spinal cord, spine and pituitary gland).
Diagnosis and treatment of problems related to eye diseases and disorders.
Surgery of the mouth, jaws and associated structures.
Surgery of the musculoskeletal system (bones, joints, ligaments, tendon and peripheral nerves).
Procedures related to ear, nose, throat, head and neck.
Surgery on children (usually up to 15 years of age).
Procedures to manage pain
Surgery typically designed to repair or restore appearance and function, often following injury or disease, or for the correction of congenital defects.
Radiation treatment of cancer.
Disorders of the urinary tracts in males and females, and male genital organs.
Surgery of the blood vessels (outside the heart and brain) and the lymphatic system.
This tool is intended for use by those about to undergo an elective surgical procedure.
Admission to hospital to undertake treatment puts you at HIGH risk of BLOOD CLOTS. If any of the following apply, YOU are at HIGHER RISK of developing a blood clot. Please note that there may be other factors which could increase your risk of blood clots. Please raise any issues of concern with your GP or treating medical specialist.
Select below as many of the points that apply to you.