Helpful information

Based on our assessment of resources currently available here in New Zealand, we thought it might be helpful to offer some general information about surgical specialties and procedures.

These include helpful, well-researched information sites that deal with medical conditions, treatment options, information about surgical procedures and guidelines to assist patients in their recovery.

GPs and specialists are best placed to advise you about specific procedures and you should always talk to your specialist about any surgical procedure you are having done.

Useful sources of information about conditions and surgical procedures

Healthpoint’s Health A-Z resource
Healthify He Puna Waiora

Basic common procedure information

Southern Cross also offers concise summaries of the most common surgical procedures. The information provided in this resource may be updated over time, and is also of a general nature. Patients and potential patients should note that procedures performed at our hospitals will vary and not all procedures are performed at all our hospitals. You should contact your nearest Southern Cross hospital if you are keen to get more information about the specific procedures that are available there.

Information about anaesthesia

This information is for prospective patients interested in learning general information about anaesthetists and surgical practices

Healthify He Puna Waiora - New Zealand Anaesthetisa Overview

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery

The patient-centred Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) pathway aims to ensure that people:

  • are in the best possible condition for surgery
  • have the best possible management during and after their operation
  • participate in the best possible rehabilitation after surgery.

Visit this Ministry of Health website resource.

We hope that you find these resources helpful.