Visitor Information

We know how important visitors are to your recovery
The safety, health and wellbeing of Southern Cross Healthcare patients and visitors are of utmost importance to us. Requirements for patients and visitors are currently changing frequently and we recommend that you review our Covid-19 page in advance of visiting our hospitals.
However, we require all visitors to check in at reception on the ward before going to a patient’s room - to help us to ensure that patients are ready to receive visitors, and that the nursing team has finished any care or treatment required.
Long visits may tire our patients, so visitors are asked to show consideration and stay for short periods only. We also ask that visitors are considerate of other patients and keep noise levels low when visiting, particularly in cases where a patient is sharing a room.
Children are very welcome to visit, but must always be supervised. We recommend that visits are for a short period of time for any children under the age of five.
Visiting hours are typically flexible at our hospitals, and special arrangements may be made on request, where family/whānau might be struggling to visit patients during the daytime periods.
Each hospital will be able to offer you more information on their approach.
It’s worth noting that rest periods can often apply for patients who have had major surgery, and we always look to maintain a restful and private environment all our patients.
We ask all visitors to be considerate of all our patients, and their comfort and privacy. We ask visitors to observe hospital policies and guidance on their own health, hygiene protocols we maintain and also the use of personal recording devices. We also offer some brief guidance for those with children as patients, and as visitors.
More information for visitors is available here, along with some guidance for contractors or suppliers visiting our hospital facilities.
Being well before visiting patients

If you are in any way feeling unwell, please do not come and visit a patient in our hospital
We pride ourselves on providing a safe, clean environment for patients. If you are unsure please give our nurses a call, as there are steps visitors can take to protect their patients through small simple measures, including avoiding a visit if unwell.
Hand hygiene

Cross contamination can cause you or others to acquire an infection.
It’s well publicised that germs present on our skin, or acquired from contact with other people, increase the risk of cross contamination and infection. Obviously, to stop the spread of infectious germs in our environment, we ask all visitors to practice good hand hygiene.
In addition to the microorganisms (germs) that are usually present on our skin, we can also pick up germs from contact with other people or objects in the environment. The risk is that cross contamination can cause you or others to acquire an infection.
One of the best ways to stop the spread of infectious germs is to wash or decontaminate your hands, and this is referred to as hand hygiene.
Staying with children

Your child’s comfort and wellbeing are important to us
The safety, health and wellbeing of Southern Cross Healthcare patients and visitors are of utmost importance to us. Requirements for patients and visitors are currently changing frequently and we recommend that you review our Covid-19 page in advance of visiting our hospitals.
We encourage parents and carers to stay with their children in hospital. Please contact the hospital regarding availability of space and associated charges should you want to stay overnight.
You may like to visit the hospital before admission to familiarise your child with the surroundings.
On most occasions, we encourage a parent or carer to be with their child as the anaesthetic is started. Please discuss this with your anaesthetist and surgeon.
If you are unable to do so, a nurse will stay with your child during this time. We reunite parents or carers with children as soon as is practicable after procedures.
We recommend you bring a favourite toy and any special items that assist in comforting your child, and that you do not bring other children with you to the hospital. If this is not possible, we ask that you arrange for another adult to be present to supervise the other children.
Local amenities

Please select your hospital for more on local amenities such as motels, pharmacies, cafes and florists
Car parks are normally available on site for visitors to patients at our hospitals. For local car parking options, please check with the appropriate hospital team if you have any particular questions.
Visiting hours
Visiting hours can vary across our hospitals so please check with the hospital concerned. Visitors may also be impacted by Covid-19 precautions and we recommend that you review our Covid-19 page in advance of visiting our hospitals.
Contractors and suppliers

Visiting contractors
Many contractors and suppliers need to visit our hospitals in the course of their work and we have procedures governing visitors (not least for Health & Safety management), and so all contractors visiting our facilities are required to report to hospital reception and local facilities managers.
Medical equipment suppliers
If you are visiting a hospital to support the management of a medical procedure, or the use of medical technologies, you must observe the visitor reporting procedures and hygiene protocols in place in our hospitals. This is also the case if you are a representative of a medical product supplier with products installed on site - and you must have an appointment with the relevant manager.
Representatives who wish to present new products not currently installed or in use within our hospitals, must first contact the Southern Cross Healthcare Procurement team (at National Support Office) on (09) 925 5300.
Contacting us
To email one of our hospitals, simply select the Southern Cross hospital required. For more contact information and links to our hospital pages, please click here.
If you are trying to reach us urgently, please contact the hospital concerned directly.