Southern Cross Healthcare lands a NZ first in theatre training

Southern Cross Healthcare has launched Periop Training for nurses new to working in operating theatres.

Our hospitals embrace initiative to give IV bags a new lease of life

After providing lifesaving fluids at our hospitals, Baxter Healthcare IV bags are being recycled into safe playground matting.

Protecting our environment for future generations

Southern Cross Healthcare has made a commitment to manage and reduce the impacts of our operations on the environment.

Southern Cross Healthcare grows Te Ao Māori capabilities

Our aim is to embed Te Ao Māori in all that we do. Our Te Ao Māori journey will strengthen our ability to improve Māori health outcomes and future-proof our Māori workforce.

Growing healthy young minds in Aotearoa

Since 2020, Southern Cross Healthcare has fully funded Pause Breathe Smile mind health programme delivered to more 125,000 tamariki.

Southern Cross Healthcare make strategic appointment with new CFO

Peter Gudsell has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer at Southern Cross Healthcare.

Our hospital Kaimahi

Meet Eru, Southern Cross Christchurch Hospital Kaimahi supporting greater health equity.

Southern Cross Round the Bays 2024 events

Southern Cross is proud to sponsor the iconic Round the Bays races which took place in early 2024 in Auckland, Wellington and virtually.

From Ice Rink to Hospital Ward: Alex’s Journey of Passion & Support

Alex has a passion for orthopaedics, paying it forward as a preceptor of new grads, and competing on the world stage in ice hockey.
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